
Runny Nose & Allergies

If you’re looking for relief from a running nose or nasal allergies, several treatment options are available from medicines to minimally invasive in-office procedures. 

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Allergy Testing and Treatment

Allergies are common in Seattle and can contribute to symptoms like a runny nose, sneezing, and itchiness. When medicines are not enough, allergy testing and treatment may be necessary. Allergy testing is a great way to determine what allergens may be causing your symptoms. Our clinic can test you for allergies to pollen, pets, molds, dust mites, and more. We can then advise you about how to better control your allergies. We offer both immunotherapy shots and drops to give you a comprehensive treatment solution that works.

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Postnasal Drainage

A postnasal drip is when mucus secretions from your nose drip down the back of your throat. Common colds,  allergies, and sinuses are some of the usual triggers of a postnasal drip. Some people also have vasomotor rhinitis, where their nose just excessively runs when they exercise, eat spicy foods, or there is a rapid change in temperature. If you have a postnasal drip, you might feel the need to clear your throat too often, which can lead to a scratchy, hoarse throat. You may also develop a persistent cough that worsens at night. 

If your postnasal drainage symptoms cause you too much inconvenience, Dr. Davis performs a thorough evaluation to identify the problem.

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ClariFix® Cryotherapy is another treatment option that provides lasting relief from chronic rhinitis. This is a safe, clinically-proven treatment that targets the source of your discomfort and provides relief. ClariFix® Cryotherapy is minimally invasive and is available in-office. The time for recovery is also usually minimal. 

Dr. Davis has experience with ClariFix® in his office for runny nose. If you’re unsure about the treatment options available to you, discuss them with Dr. Davis and make an informed choice for your chronic rhinitis.

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